1hr 5:30 - 6:00 pm T & TH
Shred Con
This is a high intensity conditioning class to ignite your metabolism. Melt the fat away and keep the motivation up with real fitness results. | This class is for anyone. You can exercise with the intensity level suited for you. Modifications are provided to meet your right level of intensity. Each class is delivered with clear instructions in order for you to be effective. You'll be walked through exercises wit cues and reminders to keep you safe.

1 hr - Weekdays -AM and PM
The Iron Price
This Strength & Conditioning Class is a fun and challenging workout that incorporates Strength and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) using conventional barbells and conditioning equipment.
You can expect to learn the Basics of barbell training while getting an extremely effective workout; Kettlebell Exercises, Dumbbell Carries, Battle Ropes, Plyometrics and more!
This class is for anyone who is up for the challenge.

1 hr - 5:30 - 6:30 pm M & W
ABS Blast
Ignite your core and spark your metabolism with a challenging, 30-minute six-pack of exercises that builds abdominal muscles and enhances total-body performance. A great class for someone with a fitness base who wants to power through some difficult ab work using the group for motivation and an instructor for guidance.